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21/03/15 01:15
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מאת BBC News
Islamic State says its militants carried out suicide bombings on two mosques in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, that killed at least 137 people.
21/03/15 02:59
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מאת BBC News
The EU pledges €2bn (£1.45bn; $2.15bn) to ease what it calls Greece's "humanitarian crisis" - echoing words used by the Greek government.
21/03/15 02:59
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מאת BBC News
Liberia confirms its first new Ebola case in three weeks, dashing hopes of being declared officially free of the disease.
21/03/15 05:02
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מאת BBC News
Health campaigners says they are concerned by the delay in introducing a vaccine that protects against a deadly form of meningitis, called Men B.
21/03/15 05:20
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מאת BBC News
A Liberal Democrat peer resigns from his party's group in the House of Lords following allegations expected to be made in a Channel 4 Dispatches investigation.
21/03/15 05:51
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מאת BBC News
The former Liberal leader Lord Steel has said "the most" Liberal Democrats would accept in another hung parliament is a confidence and supply deal.
21/03/15 06:03
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מאת BBC News
The foreign ministers of China, Japan and South Korea are meeting for the first time in three years, amid territorial and diplomatic tensions.
21/03/15 07:48
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מאת BBC News
A school in New York state apologises after an uproar was caused by students reciting the US Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic.