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14/05/16 00:06
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מאת BBC News
Landlords who scrambled to buy homes earlier this year are beginning to rent them out, providing tenants with a flood of properties, research suggests.
14/05/16 01:42
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מאת BBC News
The man behind the takeover of BHS, Dominic Chappell, says his plan to revitalise the retailer "could have worked".
14/05/16 01:51
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מאת BBC News
People living near a "toxic cloud" from a massive tyre dump fire south of Madrid are told to leave their homes.
14/05/16 02:16
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מאת BBC News
Kosovo and Gibraltar become the 210th and 211th members of Fifa and can enter World Cup 2018 qualifying.
14/05/16 02:46
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מאת BBC News
It emerges that the largest US pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, recently took steps to prevent its drugs being used in lethal injections.
14/05/16 02:55
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מאת BBC News
Twenty passengers and three crew members are rescued from a ferry after it collides with a pier near Southampton, coastguards say.
14/05/16 03:03
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מאת BBC News
Briton Melissa Reid, who was jailed for trying to smuggle drugs from Peru, is to be released from prison, Peruvian authorities say.
14/05/16 04:09
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מאת BBC News
Vladimir Putin ups the ante in a dispute over a new US missile defence station in Romania, saying Russia will "neutralise emerging threats".