The headlines that made most buzz on this page
14/08/19 09:45
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מאת BBC News
Prices have risen and some suppliers have advised restaurants to take cauliflower off their menu.
14/08/19 17:43
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מאת BBC News
Financial markets have taken fright after the appearance of a trusted signal of an upcoming recession.
14/08/19 00:45
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מאת BBC News
Leaving the EU without a deal would "break up the UK", former chancellor warns.
14/08/19 02:04
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מאת BBC News
They are wrong "in the vast majority of cases" and the system is "deeply unfair", the party says.
14/08/19 03:00
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מאת BBC News
The rail fare increase for 2020 is set to be announced by the Department of Transport on Wednesday.
14/08/19 03:05
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מאת BBC News
More than 200 MPs have called for a suspension and independent review of a controversial tax policy.
14/08/19 03:05
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מאת BBC News
Ads for cheese and an electric car fall foul of new rules banning the showing of gender stereotypes.
14/08/19 03:08
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מאת BBC News
Checking sites multiple times a day means less time is spent on healthy activities, a UK study suggests.