The headlines that made most buzz on this page
26/05/20 00:17
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מאת BBC News
The Women's Super League and Women's Championship seasons are ended immediately, but sporting outcomes are still to be decided.
26/05/20 07:37
20% of the views
מאת BBC News
A top scientist criticises the staging of the Cheltenham Festival and Liverpool's Champions League tie.
26/05/20 11:19
20% of the views
מאת BBC News
Shops will start to reopen in June, but will the customers return or will they stick to online ordering?
26/05/20 15:31
20% of the views
מאת BBC News
People who have been in close contact with someone who tests positive will now be traced and told to self-isolate.
26/05/20 17:24
20% of the views
מאת BBC News
Weston General Hospital is not accepting new patients due to a high number of coronavirus cases.
26/05/20 00:47
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מאת BBC News
Testing of hydroxychloroquine as a possible coronavirus treatment is suspended by the health agency.
26/05/20 05:48
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מאת BBC News
Ireland's chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said the Republic has "suppressed Covid-19 as a country".
26/05/20 06:34
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מאת BBC News
The US Democratic presidential candidate makes his first public appearance in more than two months.