The headlines that made most buzz on this page
24/08/15 00:47
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Sami Miaari says that “the big drug pharmaceutical companies are not hiring Arabs.”
24/08/15 01:15
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Almost 100 years ago, the Sykes-Picot Agreement carved out the modern Middle East; Is stage two in the works?
24/08/15 02:42
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Between May and August 11, $1 billion of oil was imported into Israel.
24/08/15 04:17
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
The central-Tel-Aviv brothel resumed business only hours after a prostitute committed suicide.
24/08/15 04:51
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Danny Danon is leaving the cabinet to take up his dream job, fighting the Israel-haters at the United Nations.
24/08/15 05:10
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Shira Rishony and Tommy Arshanski will be the first Israelis to enter the fray in the opening day of action, with the national team’s best medal prospects to compete later in the week.
24/08/15 06:56
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
"Israelis do not like leakers, snitches or scheming politicians."
24/08/15 07:18
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
A new study by Jerusalem’s Taub Center found large differences in salaries between Jewish female pharmacists and their Arab-Israeli counterparts, apparently due to differences in seniority.