The headlines that made most buzz on this page
19/04/16 01:10
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
If the case is about Azaria’s credibility against that of all of his commanders, he will likely be convicted in spite of some notable exonerating evidence.
19/04/16 01:24
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Sha’ath repeated PA threats to halt security coordination with Israel.
19/04/16 01:57
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Sanders acknowledged on Monday that young voters would have to turn out in “very high” numbers for him to win New York.
19/04/16 02:12
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
While some experts argued that TAMA-38 restorations destroy the historic value of the buildings in the city, others argued that it makes the buildings more livable and accessible for active use.
19/04/16 02:32
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
For Conservative Jews who have observed the centuries-old prohibition against eating kitniyot over Passover, this year's seder promises to be like no other they have experienced.
19/04/16 03:00
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
The behavior of a democratic society seeking peace and security, and that of a terrorist organization devoted to death and destruction never can be viewed through the lens of moral equivalence.
19/04/16 03:37
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
The model ceremony included the various ancient Temple rites prescribed by the Torah and Jewish law, including the slaughtering of a lamb by Cohanim, priests, in the white robes used in Temple times.
19/04/16 03:49
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Lawyers for the plaintiffs argue that the IDF breached US sovereignty since the plaintiffs incurred their alleged injuries on a US-flagged ship.