The headlines that made most buzz on this page
12/05/18 20:34
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
The tunnel was the ninth to be destroyed by the IDF in a year.
12/05/18 00:07
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Getting the most of a trip up north.
12/05/18 00:52
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
The embassy move comes during tense times, when the prospects for peace - and especially final status negotiations - are nowhere in site.
12/05/18 03:25
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
After having been a protagonist of the last century's East-West conflict, Israel tries to remain neutral as Russia and the West return to spar.
12/05/18 06:15
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
With the transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem next week, America paves the diplomatic path to Israel’s capital.
12/05/18 07:40
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors, reports a new study.
12/05/18 08:41
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Iraq struggled to find a formula for stability since a U.S.-led invasion toppled dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.
12/05/18 09:11
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
Sobibor has made a huge splash in Russia, but now, Poland and the Netherlands have worked to exclude Russia from a committee planning a new museum on the grounds.