The headlines that made most buzz on this page
20/12/19 03:36
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
The money, which marks the second round of funding under New York’s Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant Program, will fund more than 200 projects, the Governor’s Office said in a statement;
20/12/19 05:22
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
The list of users may very well be in use of telemarketers and the like.;
20/12/19 14:20
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
"Only sovereign states can delegate criminal jurisdiction to the International Criminal Court. The PA clearly does not meet the criteria," Avichai Mandelblit states.;
20/12/19 14:58
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Know Comment: Israel must be ready to tackle Iran militarily on its own and fight a preemptive war with Hezbollah.;
20/12/19 15:40
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
The High Court blocked the appointment on Wednesday, just minutes before she was due to be sworn in.;
20/12/19 16:57
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
"I leave it to the court to decide whether to discuss the petitions before the March elections, when it has considerations for and against it," Mandeblit claimed.;
20/12/19 21:13
14.29% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Ben-Ari's associates said she called Ohana on Friday and told him she understood that she had, unintentionally, been involved in a struggle between bigger forces.;
20/12/19 00:27
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מאת The Jerusalem Post
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, had been initially hesitant to bring impeachment charges against Trump because she was concerned there would not be enough public support.;