The headlines that made most buzz on this page
14/11/20 17:16
33.33% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
“If the government sends everyone into their houses and weddings continue because they cannot enforce against them, [a night closure] will be a waste of time.”
14/11/20 15:51
22.22% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
The protesters marched to Balfour Street to protest the recent decision not to investigate the "Submarines Affair".
14/11/20 15:51
11.11% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Obtaining the forged document begins by travelling to Ramallah or Bethlehem, where individuals can visit medical labs that provide paying coronavirus patients with fake permits.
14/11/20 19:31
11.11% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Netanyahu’s "vision of himself as the chief defender of the Jewish people against calamity allowed him to justify almost anything that would keep him in power,” wrote the former president.
14/11/20 21:27
11.11% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
"Israel is in a good position compared to other countries who are struggling [financially] with the coronavirus crisis."
14/11/20 21:45
11.11% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Third hearing in Netanyahu’s corruption trial takes place Sunday
14/11/20 00:25
0% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
Infectious disease experts say the US federal government should be doing much more right now.
14/11/20 00:51
0% of the views
מאת The Jerusalem Post
The Biden team said they were confident the process would be completed in time, citing a timeline from the secretary of state that expects the hand recount to be finished on Wednesday.